February 2024 Update

February 2024 Update

Alex Dumouchelle

February 29, 2024

What’s changed?

February was not a very feature-rich month. In an effort to make this more of a mature app and less of a grad learning web-dev playground, 90% of my time has been put towards writing tests and checks. This took learning how front-end testing works with Jest and React Testing Library and going through all of the code I have written. In doing such, I’m looking at months old code that was not made with testing in mind. So, planning for the long term, I’m refactoring a lot of unorganized code (which I thought was organized in the moment) to be more modular and sensible to maintenance. This is anything from making components smaller, to converting typescript interfaces to classes with relevant methods.

Features that I started

  • Animation! (kind of)
    • You can play, not stop or pause
    • All animations are one second, regardless of tempo or distance
    • It’s just overall glitch
  • Exporting individual marcher coordinate sheets as pdf! (kind of)
    • works, but is a bit glitchy and ugly

I can build this super fast and make a bunch of new features, or I can build with safety and common sense. The former is what I was doing, which is really fun and engaging; but the former is what I need to be doing, which is difficult to stay motivated for. Slowly but surely I’m closing the cracks in this code and I can get back to building new stuff.

Plans for March

Must haves -

  • Complete unit tests
  • Integration tests for most things
    • Especially interacting with the canvas. How do I do that?
  • Class based objects. Less interfaces in inappropriate spots

Nice to haves (basically the same from last month) -

  • Complete animation features
  • Show marchers from prev page
  • Show pathways to prev page
  • Snap to yard line or hash
  • Find a better default location for marchers?
  • Evenly distribute marchers function

Remember, you can always check the GitHub project to see what current issues are in the queue.